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Research Day 2

09:00 – 10:15 From practice to PhD – and then what? in A2 Sverre Fehn
What is the PhD programme and what is an Executive Master (Etter- og Videreutdanning)? Why to become a researcher? In this session, we will hear engaging presentations from architects and designers about their PhD journey – how was their path into research? What’s it like to do a PhD in Architecture, Design, Urbanism or Landscape Architecture? And, what can you do after your PhD? Presentations by AHO’s current and alumni PhD Candidates.

10:15 – 10:45 Coffee break and mingling

10:45-12 Parallel session 1: Meet a PhD Candidate – in A2 Sverre Fehn
Are you a student and curious about what a PhD is? How can you apply? Are you a practitioner wondering about how to do a public sector PhD (offentlig PhD) at AHO? Current PhD candidates and PhD advisor Jeppe Bucher will be gathered in A2, and you can approach them and ask any questions you might have. The PhD Candidates will be divided into three different thematic café tables: 1) Design 2) Architectural History, Theory and Practice 3) Urbanism and Landscape Architecture. Join us and ask all of your questions!

10:45-12 Parallel session 2: Research Publishing for Practitioners - in the Library
How do we disseminate designerly knowledge in a research context? Do we have to write academic articles or is there another way of doing research communication within architecture and design? Are you a teacher and curious about how to publish academically?
In this session, we invite AHO teachers (and others who might be interested) to discuss the possibilities for publishing architecture and design. What are the limits of the academic system for design research and practice? How to publish in a more collaborative and creative manner? How could AHO teachers and researchers contribute to a new publishing platform for architecture, design, theory and history? The session will be led by Ingrid Halland, with two specially invited guests: • Anna Ulrikke Andersen, who is an architectural

theorist/historian and filmmaker, postdoc at Oxford University and author of the new book Following Norberg-Schulz: An Architectural History through the Essay Film (2022):
• Matthew Andersson, who is an architect, researcher and teacher at AHO. Andersson har published widely about theory and practice – both academically and more creatively

10:45-12 Parallel session 3: PhD Supervisors session – in the Board Room
This session provides the spring meeting within the biannual supervisor forum. PhD Programme Chair Tim Anstey will update around the actions taken since the Voksenåsen workshop last September, introduce the PhD Programme Board and its programme, take recommendations for issues for the board to cover and present the Programme Board recommendations in relation to revising regulations around PhD reader, mid- term seminar and thesis format.

12-13 Lunch: Sandwiches in A2

13 -14 Contemporary practice in research today - Vidar Enebakk – in A2
In our practice we create, propose and enable change and new ways of building, working and living. Hear Vidar Enebakk from The National Committee for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (NESH) on the evermore pertinent and critical concerns in how we perform in our fields from practice to research, from being a student to a practitioner – from proposing new projects to challenging the underlying premisses of our fields.

14.00-14.30 Coffee break and mingling

14.30 – 15.30 Contemporary ethics as part of practice, curriculum and research – in A2
What are your questions? By using the slido app we will ask and discuss the questions you bring forward in the days leading up to the research days as well as questions asked on the spot.
Wrap up on how we continue the concerns and conversations brought forward from these two days.

Streaming link for both days here // Lenke til strømming for begge dager er her:

Earlier Event: March 31
Research Day 1
Later Event: April 4
Apparatus: Writing