9.00 Welcome to AHO RESEARCH DAYS - Lise Amy Hansen, viserektor for forskning
9.15 -10.15 Researchers - Variation & Excellence
Mari Hvattum (ARK) on writing books, Jon Erling Fauske (DES) on using design practice in research projects, Erik Langdalen (ARK) on working with experimental preservation & Elisabeth Sjødahl (UL) on the landscape between practice and research.
30 min break
10.45 – 12 Researchers - Variation & Excellence
Kai Reaver (DES/UL/ARK) on case study research on transferability between digital and physical space, Josina Vink (DES) on moving between theory and practice, Rolf Gerstlauer (ARK) on Research Creation, Steinar Killi (DES) on working towards research – from innovation, pedagogy and material rights & Matthew Anderson (ARK) WORKS + WORDS on writing from practice and teaching.
12-13 Lunch
13-15 Research Centres - Directions & Excellence
13.00 – 14.00
• The Oslo Centre for Critical Architectural Studies (OCCAS):
Architecture – Gained in translation - Victor Plahte Tschudi & Mari Lending • The Ocean Industries Concept Lab (OICL):
Open innovation in ocean industries concept lab - Kjetil Nordby
30 min break
14.00 - 15.00
• The Centre for Design Research (CDR): ‘Towards shared futures’ - Andrew Morrison
• The Oslo Centre for Urban and Landscape Studies (OCULS): ‘Academic Urbanists and the study of Northern Landscapes and Cities’ - Peter Hemmersham
Wrap up
Further You are welcome to informal drinks and even more informal meals in Mathallen (Vulkan) for those
who want to continue the discussions after we wrap up
The days are held in English - Norwegian is welcome
// Forskningsdagene holdes på engelsk - norsk er velkomment!
Streaming link for both days here // Lenke til strømming for begge dager er her: