Completion measures - How to apply for support from AHO funds earmarked for completion measures

AHO's Board decided on December 11 to earmark NOK 300,000 for 2020, which will go to various measures to promote completion of doctoral degrees at AHO. According to target figures and requirements set by national authorities, AHO must complete at least 10 candidates by 2020, and this is the reason for this one-off grant.

All candidates who plan to submit their dissertation in 2020 will be able to apply for funding from this fund, but candidates who plan to submit before 30.06.2020 will be given priority.

It is possible to apply for support from one or more categories, but the maximum amount of support per candidate will be NOK 30,000 in total.

• Support for language editing

• Support for completing dissertation material for exhibition or similar.

• Support for extra supervision, extra reader or other support measures to ensure the quality of the dissertation before submission

• Completion Scholarships

The application is sent to the research administration while copying the institute the candidate belongs to. The supervisor must make a statement that must accompany the application. The head of department has the right to make statements. The research administration submits the application to FU when the application is complete.

If you have questions on how to send an application and what should be attached, please contact research administration directly.

Only for Completion Scholarship: Candidates who are awarded a completion scholarship must sign a contract with AHO. The contract specifies that the payment is a stipend. 2/3 of the scholarship will be paid on the first payroll after signed contract, while 1/3 will be paid after the thesis has been submitted for evaluation. The final date for submission must be 30.06.2020. This will be specified in the contract for each candidate.

The applications for funding will be processed at each FU meeting this spring and it is therefore important that applications and recommendations from supervisor and potentially the institute are submitted to the research administration within the following dates. The first come, first serve principle applies, and money will be allocated from the fund until it is empty.

• 15th January

• 12th February

• 11th March

• 1st April

Questions about the fund and the process can be directed to and head of the PhD program Tim Anstey.